Bus Stop Arm Safety
Learner's Responsibility Loading and Unloading the School Bus
BusRight Parent App
The BusRight app allows you to, in real-time, follow your child’s bus route to and from school, receive notifications when the bus begins and ends its route, view the expected arrival time at your child’s designated bus stop, and receive communications directly from the Transportation Department.
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The Transportation Department operates a fleet of 85 buses. State law requires districts to provide busing for students who live more than 1.5 miles from school and also provides exceptions for safety busing in high traffic areas. Buses are used to transport students to and from school, field trips for instructional purposes, and extra-curricular activities and events. District school buses travel nearly 800,000 miles annually and transport approximately 4,200 students daily. The department is one of the most efficient transportation departments statewide and its cost of operations is well below the State average. The Transportation Department also operates the District’s Driver Education Program and Preventative Maintenance Program. The Department maintains approximately 70 district-owned vehicles in addition to the bus fleet as part of the Preventative Maintenance Program.
The general phone number for the Transportation Department is: (208) 235-3227. The fax number is: (208) 235-3241.Email Us
School District #25 Transportation
3115 Pole line Road
Pocatello ID, 83201
View your learner's bus stop in Infinite Campus
Parents can now view bus assignments in Infinite Campus
The bus assignment information is available in the transportation tab on Infinite Campus for those learners whose primary address is within the appropriate school boundary and are eligible for transportation services. Due to staffing shortages, we encourage families to try and locate this information using the directions provided prior to calling for assistance.
Locate my learner’s bus assignment:
Step 1: Login to Infinite Campusand click the “More” tab
Step 2: Click on the Transportation Tab
Step 3: View yourlearner’s bus assignment
View your learner’s bus schedule/bus stop:
From the district’s website, enter your learner’s primary address on the district’s interactive 24/25Enrollment Boundaries and Bus stops map to locate your learner’s bus stop times. This can also be accessed from the transportation department page. Scroll down to locate the “enrollment maps and bus stops.” Select the appropriate map for your learners, Elementary School, Middle School or High School. The link will take you to the interactive “enrollment boundaries and bus stops” map. Input your learner’s primary address as it is listed in Infinite Campus and then select the bus icon to view the bus route details.
Questions? Please contact the PCSD 25 transportation department at 208.235.3227.
Bus Transportation Policy
- General Policy
- Responsibility of Learners
- School Bus Discipline Policy
- School Bus Discipline Procedure
- Transportation Discipline Policy/Procedure for Special Needs Transportation
General Policy
The most important factors while transporting students to and from school and school sponsored activities is the students’ safety and well-being. With this in mind, the following transportation disciplinary provisions shall be followed as pertaining to bus transportation.
This policy is designed to gain support and cooperation of parents or guardians to correct inappropriate conduct of students who are utilizing the bus transportation system. Parents should review and discuss school bus rules with their students to help them understand and assume responsibility for appropriate conduct.
Responsibility of Learners
Riding a school bus is not an undeniable right; it is a privilege. To assure students safe transportation, the District requires students to engage in appropriate conduct, to respect school personnel and to respect other students. A student is to behave appropriately when waiting at a bus stop, loading onto a bus, riding a bus, unloading from a bus and when departing from a bus stop. Failure to abide by school rules, show proper respect to others and comply with the requests of school personnel may result in a student being issued a School Bus Incident Report and possible suspension of bus riding privileges.
School Bus Discipline Policy
Listed below are some specific rules which can guide students toward good conduct. These rules are intended to help students become aware of their responsibilities and guide discussion. This is not an all-inclusive list, but it is representative of the types of behavior that is expected.
1. Students are to be held to the same standard of conduct as is expected in the school and in the classroom;
2. Articles of an injurious or objectionable nature shall not be allowed on a school bus. This includes any bulky item which might obstruct the aisle or be flammable in nature. Live animals shall not be permitted on the bus;
3. Students are expected to be courteous. Profane language or gestures are prohibited;
4. Students shall not leave their seats on the bus until the bus is fully stopped;
5. Students shall remain seated facing forward at all times when the bus is in motion;
6. Students shall not open or close windows without bus driver permission;
7. Students shall keep their person and all personal objects inside the bus;
8. Fighting, pushing, tripping or scuffling types of behavior shall be prohibited on the bus and at bus stops;
9.Students shall comply with all requests made by the bus driver that are necessary to control the behavior of the students and maintain order and safety on the school bus;
10. Loud and disruptive noise shall not be permitted on the bus;
11. Behavior relating to the safety, wellbeing and respect for self and others shall be followed;
12. Students shall not tamper with school bus equipment;
13. Eating, drinking, smoking, vaping, lighting matches, spitting, littering, use of tobacco, and possession of illegal or look-alike substances are prohibited;
14. Gang, sexual or racially motivated activities, actions or comments shall be prohibited;
15. Destruction and/or defacing school bus equipment or property is prohibited, and the student's parent/legal guardian shall be responsible for restitution;
16.The driver shall have the authority to assign seats to any and/or all students;
17. Electronic communication devices including but not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, e-readers, laptops, beepers, pagers or other electronic devices must be set on silent so that no audible sound is emitted. Student use of cameras, video recording, audio recording, phone conversations, or passing or sharing any type of electronic device is strictly prohibited. The bus driver has full discretion to limit the use of all devices in any situation where the use of a device could cause danger or disruption, or if the student has exhibited behavior of not following rules or expectations.
Each bus student will be assigned a bus and a bus route based on their primary address in Infinite Campus. All students are expected to ride their assigned bus. Students are not to leave or board the bus at locations other than the assigned home stop or assigned school without prior written permission of the parent and building principal. Changes in bus assignments will not be allowed except with the approval of the Coordinator of Pupil Transportation.
School Bus Discipline Procedure
- Incident and Warning Reports
- Suspension Procedures
- Destruction of Property
- Progression Policy
- Appeal Process
- Attendance
Incident and Warning Reports
Bus drivers report cases of misconduct or violations of the bus rules to the Coordinator of Pupil Transportation by filling out a “School Bus Incident Report” form. The Coordinator or designee will determine the severity of the infraction and label the report as either a “Warning” or an “Incident” Report. Warning Reports are issued for first time and lesser violations of the bus rules or misconduct and do not count against the student’s riding privileges. The purpose of a warning report is to inform the parents of the problem to gain their help and support in correcting the student’s inappropriate conduct before it escalates into a more serious matter. Incident Reports are issued to students for more serious violations of the bus rules or misconduct, or for repeated minor behavioral problems demonstrated by the student.
Incident reports accumulate against the student’s riding privileges and suspensions are made within the guidelines listed below. Incident Report are mailed to the parent or guardian. In the event a parent or guardian cannot be reached by phone or mail, a school principal may intervene, at the request of the Transportation Coordinator, to serve in place of the student’s parent.
Suspension Procedures
1. First Offense
The Transportation Coordinator or designee will investigate the circ*mstances of the incident outlined on the school bus incident report. After the facts have been determined, the student’s parent/guardian will be contacted by phone to inform them of the incident. A copy of the report will be sent home via mail. If the parent/guardian disagrees with the Incident Report, they may schedule a phone call or in person conference with the Coordinator of Transportation and the bus driver to allow the student an opportunity to present his/her version of the incident. Depending on the severity of the offense, a student may lose riding privileges on the first offense.
2. Second Offense
The Transportation Coordinator or Designee will contact the parents to advise them that they have the option of setting up a conference within five school days to review the bus rules and go over the expectations of their student’s behavior, or to have their student suspended from utilizing the bus transportation system for ten school days. The conference will also allow the student an opportunity to present his/her version of the incident and to discuss any other problems. The student may lose riding privileges at this offense. A copy of the Incident Report will be sent to the building principal and the original will be retained in the Transportation Department files.
3. Third Offense
The Transportation Coordinator or designee will notify the parents that the student will be denied bus-riding privileges for a period of five to ten school days, depending on the severity of the infraction. On severe offenses a student may lose additional days of riding privileges.
4. Fourth Offense
The Transportation Coordinator or designee will notify the parents/guardian that the student will be denied bus-riding privileges for a period of ten to ninety school days (one semester), depending on the severity of the infraction.
Destruction of Property
Deliberate destruction or defacing the bus by a student will result in immediate loss of bus transportation privileges for a minimum of one week up to the remainder of the school year. Restitution for damages must be made before the student’s bus transportation privileges will be reinstated.
Progression Policy
Elementary students start at the first offense. Bus Incident Reports accumulate from year to year until the student progresses into middle school. Middle school students start at the second offense requiring the parents and student to attend a conference with the Transportation Coordinator or lose riding privileges for ten school days. Bus Incident Reports accumulate from year to year until the student progresses into high school. High school students start at the third offense, resulting in a suspension of riding privileges of five to ten school days. Bus Incident Reports accumulate from year to year until the student graduates high school.
Appeal Process
Any appeal involving suspensions of bus riding privileges in excess of ten school days can be directed to the School District Safety Coordinator. The parent or Transportation Coordinator will set up a meeting with the Safety Coordinator at which the Transportation Coordinator and family (student) will present their cases or versions of the incident. The Safety Coordinator will make the final decision to either uphold or revoke the suspension.
Compulsory attendance laws require attendance of all minors under 16 years of age. Any student whose bus privileges are suspended must continue to attend school with parents assuming responsibility for student transportation. Any absences resulting from suspension of bus privileges will be considered as truancy.
Transportation Discipline Policy/Procedure for Special Needs Transportation
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act guarantees students with disabilities their right to a free and appropriate public education, which may include transportation if it is part of the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). However, students receiving special education are not immune from school disciplinary processes, nor are they entitled to remain in a particular education setting when their behavior substantially impairs the education or safety of other children. With this in mind, the following transportation disciplinary provisions shall be followed as pertaining to bus transportation.
If Transportation is not Identified as a Related Service on the Student’s IEP:
Students attending school with an Individualized Education Program and utilizing the busing system to where transportation is not listed as a related service to their program are expected to follow the bus rules and are subject to the same disciplinary actions as all other students. If bus transportation is not on the IEP, a suspension from the bus would not be counted as suspension from school. In these cases, the student and parent would have the same obligation to get to and from school as a student without a disability who had been suspended from the bus. The disciplinary process is outlined in Board Policy 8212, which stipulates that transportation is a privilege, not an undeniable right. Students who violate the bus rules are required to attend a conference with the Transportation Coordinator to review the bus rules and the expectations regarding student conduct on the bus, and to work toward a solution to correct inappropriate behavior. If the student continues to violate the bus rules and/or jeopardizes his/her own or another student’s safety, additional disciplinary action may result in the suspension of the student’s riding privileges for five to 90 school days depending on the severity of the infraction.
A copy of each bus incident ticket is forwarded by the Transportation Department to the student’s attending school. Bus tickets should be reviewed by the student’s case manager/special education teacher to determine if a reasonable behavior intervention plan could be coordinated through the Transportation Department to help correct inappropriate behavior and keep the student from being suspended from the bus. If a student’s behavior continues and results in a suspension from the bus, the IEP team must determine whether the behavior on the bus is similar to behavior in the classroom that is addressed in the IEP. If the behavior is not similar, the IEP team should consider modifying the existing behavioral intervention plan or develop a new plan for the bus behavior.
If Transportation is identified as a Related Service on the Student’s IEP:
Students with an Individualized Education Program, where transportation is a related service under their plan, may be suspended from the bus for disciplinary reasons up to 10 days per year in conjunction with school suspensions. If a student’s behavior in the bus results in a suspension from the bus, the IEP team must determine whether the behavior on the bus is similar to behavior in the classroom that is addressed in the IEP. If the behavior is not similar, the IEP team should consider developing a behavioral intervention plan for the bus behavior.
Prior to suspending a student from the bus, the Transportation Department should work with the student’s school and the Special Services Teacher Consultant to explore modifications in an existing behavior plan or develop a behavior plan to correct the student’s behavior. This approach should be used whenever possible to reduce the need for suspensions. Bus suspensions should be used only for more serious incidents or as the final discipline steps of a behavior plan.
Nothing within this written procedure should discourage the district from using the judicial system to help prevent harm to the student or others. Regardless of the student’s educational status, if at any time the district believes a student’s behavior is likely to result in injury to the student or others, a court order may be sought to remove the student from the bus.
School Arrival & Dismissal Times
- Elementary School
- Middle Schools
- High Schools
Elementary School
- Chubbuck Elementary School
- Edahow Elementary
- Ellis Elementary
- Gate City Elementary
- Greenacres Elementary
- Indian Hills Elementary
- Jefferson Elementary
- Syringa Elementary
- Tendoy Elementary
- Tyhee Elementary
- Washington Elementary
- Wilcox Elementary
Chubbuck Elementary School
- Afternoon
CH-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:30pm
- Afternoon
CH-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:25pm
- Afternoon
CH-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:37pm
- Afternoon
CH-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:30pm
- Afternoon
CH-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:25pm
- Morning
CH-Morning Bell
Bell 8:10am
- Morning
CH-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:45am
Edahow Elementary
- Morning
ED-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:30am
- Morning
ED-Morning Bell
Bell 7:55am
- Afternoon
ED-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:10pm
- Afternoon
ED-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:15pm
- Afternoon
ED-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:22pm
- Afternoon
ED-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:10pm
- Afternoon
ED-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:15pm
Ellis Elementary
- Morning
EL-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 8:02am
- Morning
EL-Morning Bell
Bell 8:30am
- Afternoon
EL-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:45pm
- Afternoon
EL-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:50pm
- Afternoon
EL-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:57pm
- Afternoon
EL-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:45pm
- Afternoon
EL-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:50pm
Gate City Elementary
- Morning
GC-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 8:00am
- Morning
GC-Morning Bell
Bell 8:20am
- Afternoon
GC-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:40pm
- Afternoon
GC-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:45pm
- Afternoon
GC-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:52pm
- Afternoon
GC-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival1:40pm
- Afternoon
GC-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:45pm
Greenacres Elementary
- Morning
GR-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:30am
- Morning
GR-Morning Bell
Bell 7:55am
- Afternoon
GR-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:10pm
- Afternoon
GR-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:15pm
- Afternoon
GR-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:22pm
- Afternoon
GR-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:10pm
- Afternoon
GR-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:15pm
Indian Hills Elementary
- Morning
IH-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:30am
- Morning
IH-Morning Bell
Bell 7:55am
- Afternoon
IH-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:10pm
- Afternoon
IH-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:15pm
- Afternoon
IH-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:22pm
- Afternoon
IH-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:10pm
- Afternoon
IH-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:15pm
Jefferson Elementary
- Morning
JE-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:55am
- Morning
JE-Morning Bell
Bell 8:25am
- Afternoon
JE-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:40pm
- Afternoon
JE-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:45pm
- Afternoon
JE-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:52pm (1st Wave) 2:55pm (2nd Wave)
- Afternoon
JE-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:40pm
- Afternoon
JE-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:45pm
- Morning
LC-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 8:00am
- Morning
LC-Morning Bell
Bell 8:25am
- Afternoon
LC-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:40pm
- Afternoon
LC-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:45pm
- Afternoon
LC-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:52pm
- Afternoon
LC-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival1:40pm
- Afternoon
LC-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:45pm
Syringa Elementary
- Morning
SY-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:55am
- Morning
SY-Morning Bell
Bell 8:25am
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:40pm
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:45pm
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:52pm
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival1:40pm
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:45pm
Tendoy Elementary
- Morning
TE-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:38am
- Morning
TE-Morning Bell
Bell 8:00am
- Afternoon
TE-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:20pm
- Afternoon
TE-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:25pm
- Afternoon
TE-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:32pm
- Afternoon
TE-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:20pm
- Afternoon
TE-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:25pm
Tyhee Elementary
- Morning
TY-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:25am
- Morning
TY-Morning Bell
Bell 7:55am
- Afternoon
TY-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:05pm
- Afternoon
TY-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:10pm
- Afternoon
TY-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:17pm (1st wave) 2:20pm (2nd wave)
- Afternoon
TY-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:05pm
- Afternoon
TY-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:10pm
Washington Elementary
- Morning
WA-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:30am
- Morning
WA-Morning Bell
Bell 7:55am
- Afternoon
WA-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:10pm
- Afternoon
WA-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:15pm
- Afternoon
WA-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:22pm
- Afternoon
WA-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:10pm
- Afternoon
WA-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:15pm
Wilcox Elementary
- Morning
WI-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:25am
- Morning
WI-Morning Bell
Bell 7:55am
- Afternoon
WI-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:10pm
- Afternoon
WI-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:15pm
- Afternoon
WI-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:22pm
- Afternoon
WI-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:10pm
- Afternoon
WI-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:15pm
Middle Schools
- Morning
MS-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 8:35am
- Morning
MS-Morning Bell
Bell 8:45am
- Afternoon
MS-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Arrival 3:30pm
- Afternoon
MS-Afternoon Bell
Bell 3:35pm
- Afternoon
MS-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 3:42pm (1st wave) 3:47pm (2nd wave) 3:50 (3rd wave @ Irving Middle School only)
- Afternoon
MS-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 2:30pm
- Afternoon
MS-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 2:35pm
High Schools
- Century High School
- Highland High School
- Pocatello High School
- New Horizon Center
Century High School
- Morning
CHS-Morning Bus Arrival
High School Morning Bus Arrival 8:15am
- Morning
HS-Morning Bell
Bell 8:32am
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bus Arrival
High School Afternoon Bus Arrival 3:37pm
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bell
Afternoon Bell 3:42pm
- Afternoon
CHS-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 4:00pm (1st wave) 4:05pm (2nd wave)
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival Monday's2:37pm
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell Monday's2:42pm
Highland High School
- Morning
HS-Morning Bus Arrival
Arrival 8:18am
- Morning
HS-Morning Bell
Bell 8:32am
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bus Arrival
High School Afternoon Bus Arrival 3:37pm
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bell
Afternoon Bell 3:42pm
- Afternoon
HHS-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 4:03pm (1st wave) 4:06pm (2nd wave)
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival Monday's2:37pm
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell Monday's2:42pm
Pocatello High School
- Morning
HS-Morning Bus Arrival
Arrival 8:18am
- Morning
HS-Morning Bell
Bell 8:32am
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bus Arrival
High School Afternoon Bus Arrival 3:37pm
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bell
Afternoon Bell 3:42pm
- Afternoon
PHS-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 3:51pm (1st wave) 3:54pm (2nd wave) 3:58pm (3rd wave)
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival Monday's2:37pm
- Afternoon
HS-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell Monday's2:42pm
New Horizon Center
- Morning
NHC-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 8:35am
- Morning
NHC-Morning Bell
Bell 8:55am
- Afternoon
NHC-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 3:17pm
- Afternoon
NHC-Afternoon Bell
Bell 3:22pm
- Afternoon
NHC-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 3:29pm
- Afternoon
NHC-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
Bus Arrival 1 Hour Early Release Monday's 2:17pm
- Afternoon
NHC-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
Afternoon Bell 1 Hour Early Release Monday's 2:22pm
- How to Use Enrollment Maps
How to Use Enrollment Maps
Enrollment Maps
NOTICE:Moving into or living within a school boundary does not ensure placement at a specific school. All school placements are based on available space in that grade level at that school The School Board may change enrollment maps at any time to accommodate school capacity, growth, or population movement. All times are departure times. School District #25 recommends students are at the stops 5 minutes early.
How to use the online maps:
- Click on the map link you wish to use.
- Zoom in or out with the +/- icons in the upper left of the map or with the scroll wheel on your mouse (if using a desktop computer).
- Use the Search Box next to the magnifying glass on the upper left hand corner of the map to search for addresses.
- Tofind the Bus Stop nearest your address, Locate the closest bus icon and click on it. A pop-up window will display bus numbers and times.
Transportation Directory
Kelly Dial
Titles: Transportation Coordinator
Phone Numbers:
School:(208) 235-3215
Jeffrey Corrington
Titles: Transportation Supervisor
Phone Numbers:
School:(208) 235-3226
Samantha Steed
Titles: Transportation Supervisor
Phone Numbers:
School:(208) 235-3240
If you need assistance please contact (208) 235-3227.
Enrollment Maps
NOTICE:Moving into or living within a school boundary does not ensure placement at a specific school. All school placements are based on available space in that grade level at that school The School Board may change enrollment maps at any time to accommodate school capacity, growth, or population movement. All times are departure times. School District #25 recommends students are at the stops 5 minutes early.
How to use the online maps:
- Click on the map link you wish to use.
- Zoom in or out with the +/- icons in the upper left of the map or with the scroll wheel on your mouse (if using a desktop computer).
- Use the Search Box next to the magnifying glass on the upper left hand corner of the map to search for addresses.
- Tofind the Bus Stop nearest your address, Locate the closest bus icon and click on it. A pop-up window will display bus numbers and times.