Discovering The Eastern Box Turtle: A Comprehensive Species Profile | Turtley Life (2024)

If you ever encountered a turtle with enchanting orange spots and wondered, what kind of creature is this?

That’s the Eastern Box Turtle – one of North America’s most commonly seen wild turtles.

Our comprehensive species profile will delve deep into their fascinating world, covering everything from habitat to diet, behavior patterns, conservation efforts and even how to meet their needs if you fancy owning one as a pet.

Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • The Eastern box turtle is a fascinating reptile species found throughout North America, known for its dome-shaped carapace and distinctive orange spots on its head and legs.
  • These turtles have an average adult length of 5 to 6 inches and can live up to several decades in the wild or even longer in captivity.
  • Eastern box turtles are omnivorous, eating both plant and animal matter, and they require access to both land and water in their habitat.
  • Conservation efforts are crucial for protecting this vulnerable species from threats such as habitat loss, road mortality, illegal collection for the pet trade, pollution, climate change, disease and parasites.

Eastern Box Turtle: Species Overview

The Eastern box turtle is a fascinating reptile species found throughout North America, known for its dome-shaped carapace and distinctive orange spots on its head and legs.

With an average length of 5 to 6 inches, these turtles are commonly seen in the wild and are one of the few native species housed at Reptile Discovery Center.

Quick Facts

The Eastern Box Turtle, scientifically known as Terrapene carolina carolina, is a fascinating species with distinctive features and behaviors.

Here are some quick facts about this unique creature:

Native HabitatFound throughout North America, primarily in the eastern half of the continent.
AppearanceKnown for its dome-shaped carapace with ridges and distinctive orange spots on its head and legs.
SizeAdult box turtles measure about 5 to 6 inches in length.
DietOmnivorous species with a diet consisting of both plant and animal matter.
LifespanCan live up to 40 years in the wild, sometimes even longer in captivity.
Conservation StatusPopulation is declining due to habitat loss and pet trade, prompting conservation efforts.
Scientific NameKnown scientifically as Terrapene carolina carolina.


Eastern box turtles are relatively small reptiles, with an average adult length of about 5 to 6 inches. They have a dome-shaped carapace (shell) that covers most of their body and is typically between 4 to 6 inches in length.

The carapace is usually brown to black in color, adorned with attractive yellow or orange patterns.

Eastern box turtles also have a hinged plastron (bottom shell), which allows them to close themselves up tightly for protection.

Despite their small size, these fascinating creatures can live up to several decades, making them long-term companions for those interested in keeping them as pets or simply observing them in the wild.


The Eastern box turtle is primarily a terrestrial reptile, preferring woodland habitats with damp and moist environments.

These adaptable turtles can be found throughout the eastern half of North America, including the Chesapeake watershed.

They are well-suited to living in a variety of ecosystems such as forests, meadows, and wetlands. However, they tend to avoid areas that are densely populated or heavily developed.

The Eastern box turtle requires access to both land and water since they need to soak and drink regularly.

Their habitat should provide ample hiding places like fallen logs or dense vegetation where they can seek shelter when needed.

It’s important to create an enclosure for them that replicates their natural habitat by providing appropriate substrate, temperature gradients, humidity levels, and access to clean water for soaking.


The Eastern box turtle is found in the eastern half of North America, spanning from southern Maine to Florida and across to Texas.

They have a wide distribution and can be seen in various habitats including woodlands, fields, marshes, and suburban areas.

These adaptable turtles are known for their ability to thrive in different environments, making them a common sight throughout their range. The population of Eastern box turtles however, is declining due to habitat loss and fragmentation.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect these fascinating creatures and ensure their survival for future generations.


Eastern box turtles have a varied diet consisting of both plant and animal matter.

They are omnivorous, meaning they eat a combination of fruits, berries, mushrooms, leaves, flowers, insects, worms, slugs, snails, and even small vertebrates like frogs or mice.

Their flexible diet allows them to adapt to different habitats and food sources. Eastern box turtles also rely on their strong sense of smell to locate food items hidden beneath leaf litter or in the soil.

This diverse diet ensures that these fascinating creatures obtain the necessary nutrients for their overall health and well-being in their natural environment.


The Eastern box turtle has a surprisingly long lifespan, with some individuals living up to 100 years in the wild. This means that if you decide to bring one into your home as a pet, they can be a lifelong companion.

Their lifespan is heavily dependent on factors such as habitat quality, diet, and overall care. With proper housing and nutrition, these amazing creatures can thrive for decades.

So if you’re looking for a reptile friend that will be with you for the long haul, consider the Eastern box turtle as an option.


Discovering The Eastern Box Turtle: A Comprehensive Species Profile | Turtley Life (1)

The Eastern box turtle is a visually striking reptile with distinct features that set it apart from other turtles.

Its carapace, or shell, is dome-shaped and covers most of its body, featuring unique ridges that give it an unmistakable appearance.

The coloration of the carapace varies among individuals but typically includes shades of brown, olive, or black.

What makes the Eastern box turtle particularly captivating are the vibrant orange spots found on its head and legs.

These vivid markings add a pop of color to its overall appearance. With an average length ranging from 5 to 6 inches, this small terrestrial reptile may be petite in size but certainly stands out in terms of visual appeal.

Behavior and Conservation of Eastern Box Turtles

Eastern box turtles exhibit unique behavior and temperament that make them fascinating creatures to observe.

Discover their conservation status, threats they face, and the efforts being made to protect this iconic species.

Behavior and Temperament

Eastern box turtles are known for their docile and gentle nature. They are generally not aggressive and make great pets for those seeking a reptile companion.

These turtles have a distinct personality, with some individuals being more outgoing and sociable while others may be shy and prefer to retreat into their shells when approached.

Eastern box turtles are primarily terrestrial, spending most of their time on land but they can also swim if needed.

In terms of behavior, these fascinating creatures display interesting traits such as basking in the sun to regulate their body temperature. They often burrow themselves in leaf litter or soil during the night to find protection from predators and extreme weather conditions.

When it comes to mating season, male eastern box turtles engage in elaborate courtship rituals which include head bobbing, circling the female, and releasing pheromones.

It’s important to note that while eastern box turtles may seem friendly, they should never be handled excessively or roughly as this can cause stress or injury. Taking care of your turtle’s well-being includes providing them with an appropriate habitat that mimics their natural environment along with ample hiding spots where they can feel safe.

Conservation Status

The Eastern box turtle, like many other turtle species, is facing threats to its population and habitat.

Due to habitat loss from urban development and fragmentation, as well as road mortality from increased traffic, the conservation status of the Eastern box turtle has been a cause for concern.

In fact, it is considered a vulnerable species in some states and protected by law in certain areas.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect these unique turtles and their habitats.

These efforts include creating wildlife corridors to connect fragmented populations, implementing road signage and barriers to reduce vehicle collisions, and promoting public education about the importance of preserving their natural habitats.

By raising awareness about the conservation needs of Eastern box turtles and supporting initiatives that protect their homes, we can contribute to ensuring the survival of this remarkable species for future generations.

Threats to the Species

The Eastern box turtle faces numerous threats to its survival in the wild. These threats include:

  1. Habitat loss: The destruction and fragmentation of woodlands and wetlands, which are the primary habitats of Eastern box turtles, greatly reduce their available living space.
  2. Road mortality: Box turtles often fall victim to vehicle collisions when they attempt to cross roads during their migrations or daily movements.
  3. Predation: Eggs and juvenile turtles are at risk from predators such as raccoons, skunks, foxes, and snakes. In addition, urban areas may have higher populations of cats and dogs that pose a threat as well.
  4. Illegal collection for the pet trade: The appeal of having a box turtle as a pet has led to illegal collection from the wild, which further diminishes their population numbers.
  5. Pollution and contamination: Pesticides, herbicides, chemical runoff, and water pollution can all have detrimental effects on Eastern box turtles by contaminating their habitats or altering their food sources.
  6. Climate change: Rising temperatures and altered weather patterns can impact the hatching success rate of eggs and disrupt the turtle’s normal behaviors and life cycle processes.
  7. Disease and parasites: Like any species, Eastern box turtles are susceptible to diseases and parasites that can weaken or kill individuals within the population.
  8. Lack of genetic diversity: Fragmented populations with limited connectivity can lead to inbreeding depression, impacting their overall health and resilience to environmental changes.
  9. Human interaction: Disturbance from human activities such as habitat destruction, trampling during recreational activities, or illegal hunting can disrupt nesting sites or cause stress to turtle populations.
  10. Lack of public awareness: Limited knowledge about conservation efforts for Eastern box turtles hinders public support for protection measures that could aid in preserving their population in the wild.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure the survival of the Eastern box turtle. Here are some initiatives and actions that are being taken to protect this species:

  • Habitat Preservation: Protecting and preserving the natural habitats of Eastern box turtles is essential for their survival. Efforts are being made to conserve woodlands, forests, and wetlands where these turtles reside.
  • Wildlife Corridors: Establishing wildlife corridors helps connect fragmented habitats, enabling the movement of Eastern box turtles across different areas and preventing isolation.
  • Education and Awareness: Educating the public about the importance of conserving Eastern box turtles and their habitats is vital. Awareness campaigns highlight the need to avoid capturing wild turtles as pets and provide information on responsible pet ownership.
  • Captive Breeding Programs: Breeding programs in captivity help maintain genetic diversity and ensure a healthy population. These programs aim to release captive-bred turtles into suitable habitats, bolstering wild populations.
  • Research and Monitoring: Ongoing research helps gather data on population trends, habitat use, behavior, and threats faced by Eastern box turtles. This information guides conservation strategies and enables informed decision-making.
  • Roadway Protection: Road mortality is a significant threat to Eastern box turtles due to their slow movement across roads. Implementing measures like wildlife crossings or fencing along roadways can reduce vehicle collisions with these turtles.
  • Legislation and Regulations: Laws protecting endangered species play a crucial role in safeguarding the Eastern box turtle. Regulations may include restrictions on hunting, trade, or destruction of their habitats.

Housing and Care for Eastern Box Turtles

To properly house and care for Eastern box turtles, you need to provide an enclosure with adequate space, heat, light, humidity, substrate, and a proper diet.

Housing Requirements

The Eastern box turtle requires specific housing conditions to thrive. Here are the essential requirements for creating a suitable habitat for your pet:

  • Provide a spacious enclosure that allows for both land and water areas.
  • Use a terrarium or aquarium with secure lids to prevent escape.
  • Ensure the enclosure is at least four times the length of the turtle’s shell.
  • Use non – toxic materials for substrate, such as soil, sand, or coconut coir.
  • Create hiding spots using rocks, logs, and plants to mimic their natural environment.
  • Maintain a temperature gradient, with one side of the enclosure being warmer (around 85°F) and the other side cooler (around 75°F).
  • Provide UVB lighting for at least 10 to 12 hours a day to meet their vitamin D needs.
  • Keep humidity levels between 60% and 80% by misting the enclosure daily or using a humidifier.
  • Place shallow bowls of clean water in both land and water areas for drinking and soaking purposes.
  • Regularly clean and disinfect the enclosure to maintain cleanliness and prevent bacterial growth.

Heat and Light Needs

The Eastern box turtle requires specific heat and light conditions to thrive. Here are some key considerations for providing the ideal environment for your turtle:

  • Provide a basking area with a heat source, such as an overhead heat lamp or ceramic heater. This will allow the turtle to regulate its body temperature, as they are ectothermic creatures.
  • The temperature in the basking area should range from 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (29 – 32 degrees Celsius), creating a warm spot where the turtle can comfortably soak up heat.
  • Use a reptile – specific thermometer to monitor the temperature in both the basking area and the overall enclosure.
  • Alongside the basking area, create a cooler zone with temperatures ranging from 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (21-24 degrees Celsius). This provides your Eastern box turtle with options for thermoregulation.
  • UVB lighting is crucial for Eastern box turtles, as it helps them synthesize vitamin D3 and aids in calcium absorption. Use a UVB bulb specifically designed for reptiles and ensure it covers at least half of the habitat.
  • Maintaining a consistent day – night cycle is essential. Provide 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness each day. This can be achieved using timers on your lights.
  • Avoid placing your Eastern box turtle’s enclosure in direct sunlight, as excessive heat can be harmful.
  • Regularly check all heating and lighting equipment to ensure they are functioning properly.

Humidity and Substrate

Maintaining the proper humidity and substrate is crucial for the health and well-being of Eastern box turtles. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  1. Ideal Humidity Levels: Eastern box turtles require a moderate humidity level inside their enclosure. Aim for a humidity range of 60-80%, as this will help prevent dehydration and promote healthy shedding.
  2. Creating a Humid Microclimate: To achieve the right humidity levels, you can create a humid microclimate within the turtle’s habitat. This can be done by providing a shallow water dish or tray that the turtle can soak in, ensuring it is large enough for the turtle to fully submerge itself.
  3. Using Proper Substrate: The substrate in an Eastern box turtle enclosure should mimic their natural habitat, which typically consists of leaf litter and soil. Avoid using substrates like wood shavings as they can cause respiratory issues if ingested.
  4. Maintaining Moisture in Substrate: It’s important to keep the substrate moist but not overly wet, as excessive moisture can lead to bacterial growth and shell rot. Spraying water onto the substrate regularly or using a misting system can help maintain appropriate moisture levels.
  5. Providing Hiding Places: Eastern box turtles also require hiding places within their enclosure where they can retreat when they feel stressed or want privacy. You can create these hiding spots by incorporating various objects such as rocks, logs, and vegetation that offer shade and shelter.
  6. Monitoring Temperature and Humidity: Regularly monitor both temperature and humidity levels within the enclosure using appropriate devices such as thermometers and hygrometers. This will help ensure that conditions remain optimal for your Eastern box turtle.

Feeding and Water

Eastern box turtles have specific dietary needs, so it’s important to provide them with a nutritionally balanced diet.

Here’s what you need to know about feeding and watering your Eastern box turtle:

  1. Offer a variety of foods: Box turtles are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. Provide a well-rounded diet that includes leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, insects, and worms. This will ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.
  2. Leafy greens: Offer dark, leafy greens such as kale, collard greens, and spinach as part of their daily diet. These provide essential vitamins and minerals.
  3. Vegetables and fruits: Alongside leafy greens, offer a mix of other vegetables like carrots, squash, bell peppers, and fruits like berries or melons. Make sure to chop them into small pieces for easy consumption.
  4. Protein-rich foods: Box turtles require protein for growth and development. Insects like crickets and mealworms can be offered as occasional treats or part of their regular diet.
  5. Calcium supplementation: To maintain healthy shells and bones, add calcium supplements to their food two to three times a week. This can be in the form of powdered calcium or cuttlebone.
  6. Freshwater supply: Always provide fresh water in a shallow dish that is large enough for your turtle to soak in but shallow enough that they can climb out easily.
  7. Water temperature: Keep the water at a lukewarm temperature (around 75-80°F) since box turtles prefer warm water for drinking and soaking.

When it comes to feeding frequency, Eastern box turtles every day while adults can be fed three to four times per week.

Monitor your turtle’s appetite regularly as some individuals may have specific preferences or dietary restrictions. Adjust their diet accordingly, and consult with a reptile veterinarian if you notice any changes in behavior or eating habits.

Try to avoid overfeeding as box turtles can become overweight, leading to health issues.

Feed them an appropriate amount of food and remove any uneaten portions after 30 minutes.

Common Health and Behavior Problems

Many Eastern box turtles face common health and behavior problems, which can affect their overall well-being.

Some of the most prevalent issues include respiratory infections, shell rot, nutritional deficiencies, parasites, and stress-related behaviors.

These health problems can be caused by improper husbandry practices or inadequate care.

Respiratory infections can occur when turtles are exposed to cold temperatures or damp environments for extended periods.

Shell rot is a fungal infection that affects the turtle’s outer protective shell layer and can lead to serious complications if left untreated.

Nutritional deficiencies often arise due to an unbalanced diet lacking essential vitamins and minerals.

Parasites such as internal worms or external mites pose risks to the turtle’s health if not addressed promptly. Additionally, stress-related behaviors like pacing, loss of appetite, or aggression may indicate that the turtle’s environment requires adjustments.

Reproduction and Life Cycle of Eastern Box Turtles

Eastern box turtles reproduce through sexual reproduction, with males actively seeking out females during mating season.

Mating typically occurs in the spring and early summer months, with courtship rituals involving head bobbing and circling each other.

Female Eastern box turtles lay their eggs in nests dug in soft soil or leaf litter. The eggs then incubate for 60 to 90 days before hatching, with the temperature of the nest determining the sex of the hatchlings.

Once hatched, Eastern box turtles grow slowly and may take up to ten years to reach sexual maturity.

Reproductive Behavior

Eastern box turtles exhibit interesting reproductive behavior. They reach sexual maturity around 7 to 10 years of age, and usually mate in the spring or early summer.

Interestingly, female box turtles have the ability to store sperm for several years, allowing them to lay multiple clutches of eggs without mating again.

When it comes time to lay their eggs, females search for suitable nesting sites in sandy soil or leaf litter.

After digging a hole with their hind legs, they lay about 1-7 eggs at a time and cover them up before leaving.

Incubation lasts around 2-3 months, during which temperature determines the sex of the hatchlings – warmer temperatures produce more females while cooler temperatures produce more males.

Once hatched, baby Eastern box turtles are entirely on their own as there is no parental care provided.

Nesting and Hatching Process

The nesting and hatching process of the Eastern box turtle is a fascinating aspect of their life cycle. Here are the key steps involved:

  1. Female box turtles typically begin nesting in late spring or early summer.
  2. They choose a suitable location with loose soil, often near shrubs or fallen logs.
  3. The female box turtle digs a nest hole using her hind legs and sometimes her front limbs.
  4. The depth of the nest hole can vary, but it is usually around 3 to 5 inches deep.
  5. Once the hole is ready, the female lays her eggs, which are white and have a leathery texture.
  6. The number of eggs laid can range from 1 to 7, with an average clutch size of 4 to 6 eggs.
  7. After laying the eggs, the female carefully covers them with soil using her hind legs.
  8. She then uses her shell to firmly pack down the soil over the nest to protect it from predators and ensure optimal incubation conditions.
  9. The incubation period for Eastern box turtle eggs is typically around 60 to 90 days.
  10. During this time, the temperature plays a crucial role in determining the sex of the hatchlings – higher temperatures produce females, while lower temperatures result in males.
  11. Once the eggs hatch, usually in late summer or early fall, the tiny hatchlings dig their way out of the nest and emerge on their own.

Parental Care

Eastern box turtles exhibit unique parental care behaviors that contribute to the survival and well-being of their offspring. After laying their eggs in a shallow nest, the female carefully covers them with soil, concealing them from potential predators.

Unlike many reptiles who abandon their eggs after laying, female Eastern box turtles often remain near the nest site throughout incubation, providing some protection.

Once the hatchlings emerge from their eggs, they are on their own to navigate life in the wild. However, studies have shown that female Eastern box turtles may provide indirect care by scent-marking areas where food resources are plentiful for their young to discover.

This behavior helps increase their chances of finding adequate nourishment and establishing themselves within favorable habitats.

With these nurturing instincts and strategies in place, Eastern box turtles demonstrate an impressive level of parental care that contributes to the viability and growth of future generations.

Tips for Choosing and Caring for an Eastern Box Turtle

Learn how to select a healthy Eastern box turtle and provide proper care, handling, enrichment, and interaction to ensure the well-being of this fascinating species. Discover helpful resources for further information.

Tips for Selecting a Healthy Turtle

Here are some tips to help you choose a healthy Eastern box turtle:

  1. Look for bright, alert eyes that are free from discharge or swelling.
  2. Check the turtle’s skin and shell for any signs of injury, such as cuts or cracks.
  3. The shell should be firm and free from soft spots or deformities.
  4. Make sure the turtle is active and moves around with ease.
  5. Check the turtle’s mouth and nose for any signs of discharge or abnormal breathing.
  6. Choose a turtle that has a healthy appetite and shows interest in food.
  7. Avoid turtles that exhibit excessive lethargy or appear weak.
  8. It’s important to select a turtle that has been captive-bred rather than wild-caught, as captive-bred turtles are generally healthier and less stressed.

Proper Handling and Interaction

To ensure the well-being of your Eastern box turtle, it is important to handle and interact with them properly. When picking up a box turtle, gently grasp them around the middle of their shell with both hands.

Avoid grabbing or squeezing their legs as this can cause injury. It’s crucial to support their entire body weight and avoid dropping them from a height.

During handling, always wash your hands beforehand to prevent the spread of bacteria or diseases. Box turtles can carry salmonella, so practicing good hygiene is essential. Additionally, limit handling sessions to short periods of time to minimize stress on the turtle.

Interacting with your Eastern box turtle outside of handling involves providing enrichment and stimulation in its enclosure. You can provide hiding spots using rocks or logs that mimic natural shelters they would find in the wild.

Adding different textures such as leaf litter or mulch will also promote natural behaviors like digging and foraging.

Providing Enrichment and Stimulation

To ensure the overall well-being and happiness of your Eastern box turtle, it is important to provide them with enrichment and stimulation in their environment.

This can help prevent boredom, promote natural behaviors, and keep them mentally and physically active.

One way to provide enrichment is by creating a habitat that closely mimics their natural surroundings. Add various substrates like soil, leaves, or mulch for them to explore and dig into.

You can also include rocks, logs, or branches for climbing and hiding spots.

Creating different levels within their enclosure will encourage exercise and exploration.

Another important aspect of enrichment is offering a varied diet that includes live prey such as insects or worms along with fresh fruits and vegetables.

This not only provides nutritional variety but also stimulates hunting behaviors that are essential for their mental well-being.

In addition to environmental factors, spending quality time interacting with your Eastern box turtle can greatly enrich their lives.

Using toys or puzzle feeders during feeding times can engage their problem-solving skills while providing mental stimulation.

Recommended Resources for Further Information

Looking to learn more about Eastern box turtles? Here are some recommended resources for further information:

  1. “Eastern Box Turtles: A Complete Owner’s Guide” by Philip Purser: This comprehensive guide provides in-depth information on the care, behavior, and conservation of Eastern box turtles. It covers everything from setting up their habitat to feeding and breeding.
  2. The Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) website: The TSA is an organization dedicated to conserving turtle and tortoise species worldwide. Their website offers valuable resources on Eastern box turtles, including articles, research papers, and updates on conservation efforts.
  3. National Geographic: National Geographic’s website features articles, photographs, and videos that explore various aspects of the Eastern box turtle’s life cycle, behavior, and habitat. It offers a visually engaging and informative perspective.
  4. The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) website: The USFWS maintains a wealth of information on the endangered species list, including the Eastern box turtle. Their website provides insights into conservation status, threats, recovery efforts, and regulations surrounding this beloved reptile.
  5. Reptiles Magazine: Reptiles Magazine is a trusted source for reptile enthusiasts of all levels. Their online platform includes articles specifically focused on Eastern box turtles, covering topics such as care tips, natural history facts, and common health issues.


In conclusion, the Eastern box turtle is a fascinating and unique species that can be found across the eastern half of North America.

With its distinctive dome-shaped carapace and orange spots, this terrestrial reptile is a common sight in woodlands and other natural habitats.

It’s important to note that the population of Eastern box turtles is declining due to various threats and habitat loss. Conservation efforts are crucial for ensuring their survival in the wild.

From proper housing and care to understanding their behavior and reproductive cycle, there is much to learn about these amazing creatures.

By educating ourselves and others about the Eastern box turtle, we can contribute to its protection and preservation for future generations to enjoy.


1. Where can I find Eastern box turtles?

Eastern box turtles are commonly found in the eastern and central regions of the United States, ranging from Maine down to Florida and westward to Texas.

2. What do Eastern box turtles eat?

Eastern box turtles have a varied diet that includes insects, worms, snails, slugs, fruits, berries, mushrooms, and plants. They are opportunistic foragers and will eat whatever food is available in their habitat.

3. How long do Eastern box turtles live?

Eastern box turtles have a long lifespan compared to other turtle species. On average, they can live up to 30 years or more in the wild with proper care and habitat conditions.

4. Are Eastern box turtles protected species?

Yes, Eastern box turtles are protected species in many states due to declining populations caused by habitat loss and illegal trade as pets. It is important to respect their natural habitats and not disturb or remove them from the wild without proper permits or authorization.

Discovering The Eastern Box Turtle: A Comprehensive Species Profile | Turtley Life (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.